The iVac™ System is designed to be used during the root canal treatment irrigation phase, preferably connected to a piezo ultrasonic handpiece. The system was created using the three most important concepts established by the endodontic research and science for root canal irrigation and disinfection.
- The iVac™ uses apical negative pressure with concomitant irrigation, which avoids the risk of extrusion of the irrigant while allowing the irrigating fluid to clean and disinfect the entire root canal to the working length1, 2.
- iVac™ is highly instrumental in cases where irrigation depth control is essential3, such as young teeth, apexification, regeneration, and apical foramen resorptions.
- The iVac™ design allows the continuous exchange of ultrasonically activated irrigants with constant refreshment into the root canal system throughout the procedure.
- It can effectively clean and disinfect irregularities of the root canal system with the action of continuous ultrasonic irrigation,4, 5, 6
- The polymer microcannula allows effective ultrasonic activation7 of the irrigant, even in curved canals.
5 – 0.35 iVac tips 27mm (Green)
5 – 0.50 iVac tips 27mm (Yellow)
1 – iVac S-type piezo connector
10 – Angled capillary tips
1 – Low Vac adaptor, 1 x High Vac adaptor, 1 x Long silicone tubing with 1 female connector and 1 male connector
5 – Short silicone tubing with 1 female connector and 1 elbow connector
2 – Rings
1 – Technique Guide
1 – Instructions for Use
5 – 0.50 iVac tips 27mm (Yellow)
1 – iVac S-type piezo connector
10 – Angled capillary tips
1 – Low Vac adaptor, 1 x High Vac adaptor, 1 x Long silicone tubing with 1 female connector and 1 male connector
5 – Short silicone tubing with 1 female connector and 1 elbow connector
2 – Rings
1 – Technique Guide
1 – Instructions for Use